All the things
Did 9/11 Change Everything? The 9/11 attacks were a surprise. The response wasn’t. The singular 20th-anniversary reflection that got it right. (John Feffer, Foreign Policy In Focus, ~9 min.)
John McEnroe on his temper, his teenage angst, and his voiceover work on Never Have I Ever. Delightful. (Rosecrans Baldwin, GQ, ~8 min.)
Courtney’s Story: How law enforcement, the courts, and Ohio State University acted to protect themselves, rather than the wife of Buckeye football coach and serial domestic abuser Zach Smith. Stunning. (Diana Moskovitz, Defector, ~62 min.)
The New Puritans: Social codes are changing, in many ways for the better. But for those whose behavior doesn’t adapt fast enough to the new norms, judgment can be swift — and merciless. The smartest, most engrossing piece on cancel culture I’ve come across. (Anne Applebaum, The Atlantic, ~35 min.)
The Tragedy Of America’s Rural Schools: Outdated textbooks, not enough teachers, no ventilation — for millions of kids like Harvey Ellington, the public education system has failed them their whole lives. My jaw was on the floor from start to finish. I had no idea. (Casey Parks, New York Times Magazine, ~41 min.)
“They Cry, I Get A Lot Of Hugs”: This man has one of the most rewarding jobs in San Francisco. I love that this is a thing. (Madeline Wells, SFGate, ~5 min.)
Rain Boots, Turning Tides, And The Search For A Missing Boy: Last year in Nova Scotia, after 3-year-old Dylan Ehler vanished, online sleuths descended on Facebook groups to help find him. Then they lost their way. What is wrong with people?! (Katherine Laidlaw, Wired, ~28 min.)
Carmelo Anthony Still Feels Like He’s Proving Himself: A conversation with the NBA star about growing up, getting painted as the villain, and being needed. Pretty darn interesting, even if you’re not a Melo fan. (Vinson Cunningham, New Yorker, ~29 min.)
Norm Macdonald was Tolstoy in sweatpants. Even when he texted you in the middle of the night. The best of the tributes. (Geoff Edgers, Washington Post, ~8 min.)
Gabrielle Union: The Hard Truth About My Surrogacy Journey. I was really moved by this. (Gabrielle Union, Time, ~14 min.)
Welcome To Dunkin’ World. My god. (Lora Kelley, GQ, ~7 min.)
If you read one thing this week
As a child, she wrote to a WWII vet. He carried the letter everywhere, and 12 years later, they finally met. I’m a sucker for a well-written heartwarmer. (Sydney Page, Washington Post, ~9 min.)